Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.

Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.
An Interview with Jason Butler.

Who and from where are you?

I was born In Nottingham, England but I have lived in Jersey, Channel Islands all of my life.  

How you got into this?

I was very lucky to have a great and caring art teacher called Mark Blanchard who made me realise this was something I could do. From about 13 I became obsessed with drawing and painting.

What is your driving force?

The thing I appreciate so much about making paintings is that there is never a day that goes by where I feel I don't learn something. You realise how little you know and the process just goes on and on. It can be challenging but ultimately I can't imagine doing anything else. 

What kind of work you do and why?

My work is centred on the figurative with a greater emphasis on abstraction entering the paintings in the last couple of years. I am fascinated by the idea of Utopias and the kind of rituals we all carry out. Trying to get the work to say something that I could never articulate verbally is the main goal. The process of allowing the work to go through many stages and making 'mistakes' is key.
Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.
The Monstrous Crowd
Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.
Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.

Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.
The Promise.
Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.
The Painter.
Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.

Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.
Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.

Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.
Where or Shadows Were
Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.
Paintings by Jason Butler from Jersey.
For more of Jason Butler Check this link of his Instagram account:- or his website

All Images are copyright by: Jason Butler

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