Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.

Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
a moment in the making 
An Interview with Neal D Rolinson.

Who & from where are you?

Neal D Rolinson, living in Frome, Somerset, UK with my partner & two children.

How you got into this?

I've always drawn, from a young age my brother & I would draw with our father & I have fond & vivid memories from this period. Through my teenage years I attended college & university, venturing in various creative routes; life drawing, design, model making etc. After university reality kicked in. So for the fifteen years or so that followed I more or less stopped drawing & began observing life & began writing poetry. Then a few years ago I began drawing again, & it's like a switch has been thrown, it's has more purpose than ever to me.

What is your driving force?

Events & changes in your life trigger different reactions. Having children teaching them things awakens your own abilities & for me drawing is the one thing I've never doubted. This ultimately has inspired me to draw again, evoking memories of time spent drawing with my father.

What kind of work you do & why?

Figurative drawings that evoke emotions & movement. To create pieces that give you a powerful feeling back, to inspire others, & challenge artistic boundaries.

Tell us more about your drawings.

My drawings are about emotion, I layer lines to build characters. I chase movement, shape, mood & energy. I do not force my creativity by setting boundaries or restrictions, it has to be a flowing organic process. My pieces are captured moments & feelings, I rarely revisit or make alterations to them.

Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
a moving voice
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
it's all momentary
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
pulling strings part2
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
the emptiness
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
they labelled you
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
close up
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
extension of thoughts
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
hide in shapes
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
pulling strings
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
the fallout
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
move in time
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
still intact
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
the emotions are distance 
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
the shadows on my mind 
Figurative Drawings by Neal D Rolinson from UK.
twist winding
For more of Neal D Rolinson Check this link of his Instagram account:-

All Images are copyright by: Neal D Rolinson
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