All the best in the future, acrylic on canvas. |
An small Interview with Caroline Dahlgren
Who and from where are you?
My name is Caroline Dahlgren, born 1982 in Sweden where I grew up and still live and work.
How did you get into this?
I always had the need to be creative. As a child I drew, painted and sculpted, encouraged by my parents. I also spend allot of time playing alone in the woods and countryside where I grew up. Making up my own little worlds and stories while playing made me feel free. Imagination can get you anywhere you want. That is were it all started I think.
What drives you?
I´m driven by the need to understand inner and outer environments and emotions, both good and bad. I´m trying to look at what makes us the person we are, identity, how we interact with each other, abstract feelings I can't yet explain to myself.
I love the creative process, but that is not why I do it. I need to paint, I have to. I don't think I would function as a human being without it. Or at least I would be unhappy and definitely be a pain to the people around me if I stopped.
What kind of work do you do and why?
Mostly I paint in acrylic. I am absolutely fascinated by the human face, and I don't think that will end anytime soon. I very rarely do portraits, that would take away the rush and excitement of meeting someone new every time I start a painting.
I strive to develop my technique and I know I have a long way to go. I want to create an atmospheric and intimate place for my characters to tell their story. Hopefully I will keep pushing myself to try new things that will allow me to express myself even better.
Before I hit the ground, acrylic on canvas. |
But we had a good time, acrylic on canvas. |
And you won't be the last, acrylic on canvas. |
Remember the smiles, acrylic on canvas. |
Scratch, start again, acrylic on canvas. |
Do you come here often acrylic on canvas. |
Discarded barrier, acrylic on canvas. |
Not worth the trouble, acrylic on canvas. |
See me, keep me warm, acrylic on canvas. |
Blackout, acrylic on canvas. |
Fortuna, acrylic on canvas. |
Inflytande acrylic on canvas. |
Room for improvement, acrylic on canvas. |
All Images are copyright by: Caroline Dahlgren
I love her paintings!!!