Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.
From the Brush of Artist - "My name is James Petrucci and I am an artist from Ojai, CA. My figurative work started out representational and has slowly devolved over the years to that of an abstracted symbolic form. It took me a long time to let go of personal identity and to embrace more of an abstracted archetype. Instead of painting a narrative I want to let the paint tell the story through layers of mark making. The main theme present in my work is that of the fragility of the temporary moment. Moments slip from one to the next without hesitation I want to paint those transitions. The states between this moment and the next. Between this physical world and the infinite. My most recent work reflects the complexity of human psychology and the burden of being aware of our own mortality".

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.

Paintings by James Petrucci from Ojai, California.
For more of James Petrucci Check this link of his Instagram account:-  or website -

All Images are copyright by: James Petrucci

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