Anna Tsvell, painter and illustrator .
Anna is a self taught, regularly exhibiting surrealist artist. She was born (1984 ) and raised in Russia, currently based in Los Angeles . Anna works with watercolors, ink, acrylics and graphite on canvases and tight watercolor paper. Her drawn girls are inhabit in a surreal world, they are sad and bad , a kind of bohemian melancholy + some bad rocknrolla behavior . Paintings and illustrations by Anna Tsvell are in private collections of musicians , film directors , photographers and other amazing people all over the world .

For more of Anna Tsvell Check this link of her Instagram account:- https://www.instagram.com/anna_tsvell/ or at FB https://www.facebook.com/annatsvell/ Or her Website http://annatsvell.com/
All Images are copyright by: Anna Tsvell