Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York
From the brush of artist - "Photography is like my meditation. Getting out in nature by myself is one of the few times I have the opportunity to get away from a life of news, people, emails, texts, and music. It's simply me and my camera keeping each other company at my spots. Even on a crowded street in New York, photography gives me complete focus through my viewfinder and helps drown out everything I don't want to see.

My journey from getting my first camera, to where I am now has been the greatest experience of my life. My camera has given me the ability to see things in a different way than I had before. I now see the camera as a tool to deliver what I see to any audience. Being able to show images of simple things like rocks, plants, and trees, and showing people the beauty in overlooked items is truly one of my favorite things to do."

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York

Fine Art Photographer Kaz Canning from New York
For more of Kaz Canning work Check this link of his Instagram account:- or his website
All Images are copyright by: Kaz Canning

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